Canazei.New Year 2012

I landed in Rome with an extra bag didn’t plan it. I took my clothes for the Alps and its snow.

Are you ready? He asked me. No, I am not. Let me arrive home, pack again and sleep like a well feed baby. Don’t be Italian and pick me up on time tomorrow morning, if not you will have to listen to me all way from Rome to Canazei. I looked at him in the eye.

He was at my place in time with a coffee and seeds coffee from Sant’Eustachio covered with dark chocolate. Is there anything better than coffee and chocolate combo? Maybe a good red wine with good cheeses or maybe seafood with a natural white wine. The three options could be a great combination.



9.22am. Roma. Lungotevere . 8 degrees


One amazing long way was waiting for us.

From Rome to Canazei

I couldn’t explain in a word the experience lived. Sun, rains, stones, snow, wind and the falling temperatures. Wow…I was in the Italian Alps!. I was like a baby doing antics as well.


12.27pm. Castiglione dei Pep Svincolo Roncobil. 4 degreesDSC06963

1.30pm. Autogrill. Lunch


4:00pm. Mezzocorona Svincola San Mich.  2 degrees.


4:30pm. Montagna. 0 degrees.


4:36pm. Trodenia. -1.5 degrees


7.45pm. Stada delle Dolomities


Wow…I was in the Italian Alps!. I continued  capering like a baby.

We met all other friends, and we went for dinner. We were in Canazei, the Italian Alps and we needed energy for the low temperatures. What better than to have a good dinner with good wine.



A good red wine glass costs 1.50E.



And I woke up in the middle of the snow.

The guys went up to ski and the girls went up just to have lunch all together.

I used snowboard just twice in my life. The first one time I enjoyed a long weekend in Sierra Nevada ( Granada, Spain), with my friend from Alicante and the second time 10 amazing day with 3 girls. We rented an amazing wooden house on the ski slopes. How amazing it is to have lunch with snow around and to feel the amazing sun in south Spain. This time I didn’t feel snowboarding , I Just wanted to enjoy the moment doing nothing. Good holidays!

New year’s eve arrived! As good Italians they had done everything in time. Joking! We start to have dinner with the lentils and grapes at midnight. After the bells rang announcing the dawn of the New Year we had dinner.

In Italy they use plastic plates and glasses for the best meetings with the family and friends. They don’t want to lose time washing or taking care of sundry things. They are around the table to speak about, new and future stories.


Also they don’t say: enjoy or bon appetite, because they are not around the table to eat. ( yeah…. they don’t eat and don’t drink around the table.)


When you are on holidays you can not kill time doing nothing or sleeping, right? We got up early if we think about 1st January. They wanted to ski but not early. We walked around the area to breath some fresh air.

I like the mountains, snow, rivers and to feel the tingling sensation in y face, but I love the beach, sun, sea and to experience a dry face too. Well, I don’t like to feel the rest of the skin dry, but all the best things together are not possible. Or could it be possible? Where?. Honestly speaking, think about all things that you have to carry when you are travel to a snowy place and then think all things that you have to carry to a sunny place. And when you are freezing and putting on clothes like onion layers and you still feel cold!. Now, think about summer on the beach. This is the funny part, now imagine that after a long day in the freezing place is time to go to bed. 2 hours to take off all your clothes and put on more to sleep. And what about to make love with your partner. That is hard work! Did you try it? Please, now think about a long day on the beach, swimming, playing on the beach, having iced drinks, staying in a hut on the sand when you don’t have to use sandals, shoes, boots, socks. Think about the time to enter the hut and jump into bed. Did you try it? Maybe you have visited a hut several times to take a nap.

Snow or beach?

After waking around and a hot coffee, they went up to ski and I walked around the village. I love a local restaurant when you can have breakfast, lunch, aperitif, dinner and drinks after dinner. This time I used it to have a glass of red wine and some bites. I was writing and updating my network.


They were skiing until last minute; meantime I was doing my own thing.

We deiced to have dinner at home as well we had the house full of food, sweets and drinks. My friend and I went to have an aperitif before dinner. Just enough time to sit around the table to eat.


The last day in Canazei, we planned to leave in the morning to go back to Rome. But finally we deiced to move after the lunch.


We both left Canazei at 2:45pm with 1.5 degrees and arrived in Rome at  12.20am with 14.5 degrees. From 1440m to 50m. If you think that Rome is dull you should visit Rome to make sure.

Four amazing days to start the New Year 2012. My plan was to be in Rome all year, but my life changed or I made it the change.

More snow was coming that year in my life. Rome and Oslo.